David Thielman

David Thielman grew up in the Minneapolis metro area and graduated from the University of Minnesota with an Engineering degree and MBA.  Professionally, he has led manufacturing companies in Minnesota, Texas, California, and Florida.

In 1980, his father died of cancer at the age of 47. With three children at home, his mother faced the stark reality of widowhood without an established career, and with few resources to draw upon. His mother’s journey, and his involvement in her life, made a deep impression on his heart.

In 1991, David’s 36-year-old sister unexpectedly lost her husband to a heart attack. Once again, he did his best to help his sister pick up the pieces of her life. Twice more, he was intimately involved with close friends who suffered the loss of their husbands – both ill equipped to walk the path of widowhood. These events created a strong desire for him to do something significant to help the cause of widows.

As a dedicated Christian, David came to understand first-hand the significance of God’s concern for widows, and His command to care for them. This faith-based calling, coupled with his life experiences, led him to imagine a comprehensive ministry to help meet the needs of widows.

David and his wife Linda are blessed with two grown daughters, and seven grandchildren. They currently reside in Maple Grove, Minnesota.