Monthly Blog Posts & Podcasts

Each month we will share a blog post and/or a podcast that will provide inspiration and encouragement.
October 2024:
No Good Thing Does He Withhold: This month’s podcast comes from Tara Dickson who will be our speaker at the upcoming 2024 Novembering Luncheon.  “I’m sharing 4 things I’ve found to keep your heart in a state of believing God has good plans for you while you are still walking through tender places. I pray it encourages your heart today!”… (listen here)
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September 2024:
7 Kinds of Grief Exhaustion and 7 Ways to Rest: This month’s blog post comes from our speaker from the 2023 Novembering Luncheon, Lisa Appelo.  “Grief fatigue is real. You’re not alone if you’re exhausted in loss. Grieving is all-consuming and leaves us tired as we navigate the hard emotions and long to-do list that often follows loss. Grief exhaustion isn’t solved simply with more sleep. While good sleep is crucial, it doesn’t address the other kinds of rest we need. “… (read more)
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August 2024:
The Itching Hour: This month’s blog post comes from another one of our Widow Might widows, Sue Anne Kirkham. In this blog she shares “I’ve had a pleasant day. I enjoyed three good meals, plus a few hearty snacks. I got in some physical activity and ticked a few items off my to-do list. “… but then come nightfall… “The half-empty double bed becomes fertile soil for the sprouting of unwanted doubts, fears, memories”… (read more)
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July 2024:
I Need: This month’s blog post comes from one of our Widow Might widows, Renee Salzbrenner. In this blog she shares about our need to hear our husbands’ name and have friends and family remember him with us. (read more)
A Widow’s Heart Podcast “Latest Episodes”: In the most recent 2 episodes Pam interviews people with ties to Widow Might. Erin Hente, a former widow connect leader, shares about her new adventures of traveling with widows and Matthew Blaze shares his mom, Naomi Anderson’s, legacy leading countless widows through the hardest time in their lives. A Widow’s Heart podcast is hosted by Widow Might Emeritus Board Member Pam Lundell. Subscribe wherever you get podcasts, so you don’t miss an episode. (listen here)…
June 2024:
Now Is The Time To Grow Deeper: This month’s blog post comes from Tara Dickson who will be the speaker at our Novembering event later this year. “Low, places, (trenches)  are not something to fear. They can be an invitation to hide in His presence, drink from His well and let our roots grow even deeper.” (read more)
A Widow’s Heart Podcast “Episodes 37”: Cindy Brinker Simmons, author of “Restored” says, “even though our circumstances aren’t glorious, God is always glorious. And when you cling to that you can walk through those valleys that are dark dark dark.” A Widow’s Heart podcast is hosted by Widow Might Emeritus Board Member Pam Lundell. Subscribe wherever you get podcasts, so you don’t miss an episode. (listen here)…
May 2024:
Will we recognize each other when we meet in heaven?: On April 1st our dear friend Naomi Anderson met her Lord and Savior face to face and I am certain she heard Him say “well done my good and faithful servant”. Naomi led one of our Widow Connect groups for well over 12 years  (even before the inception of Widow Might). She was also a frequent contributor of blogs on this page, so in her memory this month we are sharing her final blog post. (read more)
A Widow’s Heart Podcast “Episodes 34 & 35”: On Episode 34 – We’ve all been told there’s no right or wrong way to grieve, but author Kathy Renner found it can be very hard. Kathy’s husband died unexpectedly, and she decided to use her knowledge as a healthcare professional to write Why Is This So Hard? 7 Factors Affecting Your Personal Experience of Grief. And on Episode 35 –  You’ll be inspired by the heartfelt story and faith of young widow and mom, Alexandra Hope Craig. She bravely shares the loss of her husband to cancer. She felt the goodness and faithfulness of God in a profound way. Now she’s dedicated to sharing that message of hope and healing. A Widow’s Heart podcast is hosted by Widow Might Emeritus Board Member Pam Lundell. Subscribe wherever you get podcasts, so you don’t miss an episode. (listen here)…
April 2024:
The Sound of Silence: “It’s a noisy world. But when loneliness creeps into a household, the stillness of your personal refuge can become a scourge rather than a solace.” In this month’s blog post, our very own Sue Anne Kirkham shares how she feared silence after her husband’s death but now embraces it again. (read more)
A Widow’s Heart Podcast “Episodes 33”: “God will use this journey to help others!” Maybe you’ve heard those words during a tough time in your life and it wasn’t until later you smiled and went, “Now I get it, God.” That happened to Kathy Scheffler. Kathy shares her story about how God led her to be the executive director of Widow Might. A Widow’s Heart podcast is hosted by Widow Might Emeritus Board Member Pam Lundell. Subscribe wherever you get podcasts, so you don’t miss an episode. (listen here)…
March 2024:
Grief Scars: In the season of Lent we think of scars – the scars that Christ took on our behalf and that those same scars will be the only ones we will see in heaven, In this month’s blog post, our very own Renee Salzbrenner shares about her own scars and healing. You will find encouragement not only in her words but in scripture verses and a song by Casting Crowns that you will want to listen too as well.  (read more)
A Widow’s Heart Podcast “Episodes 32”: This episode is a recording of Lisa Appelo’s Super Bloom presentation at the Widow Might November 2023 Luncheon. If you missed Novembering you need to listen to this episode and if you did attend Novembering you will want to hear this again. A Widow’s Heart podcast is hosted by Widow Might Emeritus Board Member Pam Lundell. Subscribe wherever you get podcasts, so you don’t miss an episode. (listen here)…
February 2024:
The Power to Live a More Than “Normal” Life This Year: On February 3rd we held our RESET event and this blog post from Tara Dickson seems very fitting on the heals of that event “Well, we’re officially into the new year and I think we can all see there was no magic reset button to bring all things back to normal. But here’s what I’ve learned in the last six years beloved. NORMAL is overrated.”… “The sweetest truth that I’ve discovered is that what ruined me for normal life, set me up for eternity. Not, in the sweet by and by way. But in the “Heaven came down” kind of way.” (read more)
A Widow’s Heart Podcast “Episodes 29 & 30”: Averil Shadd: Her heart for widows convinced her to climb Mount Kilimanjaro and  the details parallel any story of grief and hope. If your heart is heavy, you’ll be lifted to new heights! Chris Schneider: author of “The Last Weekend: A story of Love, Loss, and Hope”. A Widow’s Heart podcast is hosted by Widow Might Emeritus Board Member Pam Lundell. Subscribe wherever you get podcasts, so you don’t miss an episode. (listen here)…
January 2024:
Time of Reflection: This month’s blog comes from Naomi Anderson who leads the North West Metro (Maple Grove) widow connect group. “At the end of the year, are you one who reflects on what you have lost or one that tries to think of how they will manage the new year after what you have gone through? The answer to that question may depend on how long you have been widowed. We never forget the one we lost but with time, we do learn how to move forward.” (read more)
A Widow’s Heart Podcast “Episode 28”: Dr Melissa Mork returns to the podcast (see Episode 7) – “Bounce: from Surviving to Thriving Through Loss”. In this episode Dr Mork helps us look to the New Year with tools to cope with the new landscape without your spouse. A Widow’s Heart podcast is hosted by Widow Might Emeritus Board Member Pam Lundell. Subscribe wherever you get podcasts, so you don’t miss an episode. (listen here)…
December 2023:
The Missing Gift Under My Tree: This month Renee Salzbrenner, a member of the North East Metro (White Bear Lake) widow connect group, shares her thoughts about Christmas. “It’s joy to the world, people are singing, children are excited, the stores are full of decorations and gift ideas. ‘They’ don’t see the empty chair at my house again this Christmas, or the missing wrapped gifts that once had tags attached, saying his name, or said to ‘dad’ or ‘Bampa’. This is the season where grief, pain, and loss seem to come out of the corner of my heart where I have tried to keep it…” (read more)
A Widow’s Heart Podcast “Episode 27”: In her life, Caryn Sullivan’s encountered a string of family crises, including the sudden death of her husband. She shares some life-changing advice she was given, and it’s also the name of her book “Bitter or Better.” A Widow’s Heart podcast is hosted by Widow Might Emeritus Board Member Pam Lundell. Subscribe wherever you get podcasts, so you don’t miss an episode. (listen here)…
November 2023:
Guard your widow’s heart with thankfulness: As we celebrate Thanksgiving this week you might not feel thankful. But in this month’s blog post there are great reminders that we do have things to be thankful for. “One of the best ways to guard our hearts during our widow journey is to give thanks to God. Giving thanks forces us to acknowledge even what seems small on the surface in spite of what we’ve endured.” (read more)
A Widow’s Heart Podcast “Episode 26”: How do you move forward after loss? Life coach Erin Hente returns and shares how she’s moving forward by helping other through workshops. Erin also had a love for travel and is hosting trips for widows, Find out how you can move forward, too! A Widow’s Heart podcast is hosted by Widow Might Emeritus Board Member Pam Lundell. Subscribe wherever you get podcasts, so you don’t miss an episode. (listen here)…
October 2023:
What Doesn’t Kill You Doesn’t Make You Stronger: This month’s blog comes from Lisa Appelo who will be speaking at our upcoming Novembering event. Lisa was also the guest on Episode 8 of A Widow’s Heart podcast. In this post she shares that what doesn’t kill you doesn’t make you stronger in and of itself. “They say what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, but that’s not the whole truth. Because what doesn’t kill you can make you bitter. What doesn’t kill you can leave you numb. And what doesn’t kill you can lead you to make bad decisions with even worse consequences.” (read more)
A Widow’s Heart Podcast “Episode 24”: “God’s not done with you!” That’s the message of Bonnie Sorenson. Bonnie will encourage you with her story of being a pastor’s wife and how God held her after his death… She’s accomplished so much and will lift you with her story of God’s faithfulness and goodness through it all! A Widow’s Heart podcast is hosted by Widow Might Emeritus Board Member Pam Lundell. Subscribe wherever you get podcasts, so you don’t miss an episode. (listen here)…
September 2023:
Is there a Purpose Now?: “Many wonder if there is a purpose to life after losing a spouse. You can feel very broken by the loss of a spouse. Some describe it as a jagged amputation. But you know that already. Now what? I have read that a sense of purpose is the key to a good life, but how do we get there?” (read more) from Elizabeth Dyer Colvard
A Widow’s Heart Podcast “Episode 23”: Meet Gigi Williams, whose relentless faith and spirit will inspire you to overcome anything! Gigi was born with what some would call a disability, but she experienced joy knowing that in every situation, God works for the good of those who love Him…and yes, even after the death of her husband. A Widow’s Heart podcast is hosted by Widow Might Emeritus Board Member Pam Lundell. Subscribe wherever you get podcasts, so you don’t miss an episode. (listen here)…
August 2023:
Silence the Silence: “In quietness and in trust shall be your strength.” Isaiah 30:15. Bonnie Vickers shares, “Since my husband’s departure from this earth, I have spent many nights in silence. Gone are the easy banter and the support of the one person who helped me out when trouble arrived. His simple words of encouragement lifted my spirits. Gone is the soothing sound of his voice. For so many nights, the room that once echoed with his infectious laugh now only serves as a chamber for complete quiet. Silence – it can be deafening. But, it can also be golden.” (read more)…
A Widow’s Heart Podcast “Episode 22”: A 30-foot wave of mud and debris crashed down on Kim Cantin’s home in 2018, and life changed in an instant. She lost her husband and son, while Kim and her daughter survived. Hear Kim’s inspiring story based on her book “Where Yellow Flowers Bloom.” A Widow’s Heart podcast is hosted by Widow Might Emeritus Board Member Pam Lundell. Subscribe wherever you get podcasts, so you don’t miss an episode. (listen here)…
July 2023:
A Widow’s Heart Podcast “Episode 21”: In this episode Pam interviews Susie Larson. Susie discusses three things that the Lord spoke to her. They are, “You rest while I work. You feast while I fight. You wait to take flight.” Throughout the episode, she goes in-depth about each one explaining what they mean, providing verses and examples. A Widow’s Heart podcast is hosted by Widow Might Emeritus Board Member Pam Lundell. Subscribe wherever you get podcasts, so you don’t miss an episode. (listen here)…
Pray Confidently: Susie Larson website contains a daily blessing and in this one she reminds us to “deal with the issues of your heart that block your view of God’s goodness, holiness, and love. Daily love, forgive, obey, and pray because there’s a God in heaven who knows your name!” (read more)…
June 2023:
“Looking Towards Summer”:  “Summertime is always an exciting time of the year to look forward to. Depending on where you are in life, this can be exciting, or it can be difficult to decide what to do.” In the blog post this month Naomi Anderson shares the hope that the Lord is with us and that in time we will look forward to things again.  (read more)…
A Widow’s Heart Podcast “Episodes 19 & 20”: In these episodes Pam interviews Susan Spaulding and Korinn Hawkins. Susan is a Widow Might Board Member and leader of the West Metro Widow Connect group. She shares her personal story of losing her husband to suicide and inspires widows that “it is through God and through crisis that we find our strength and we find our superpower.” Korrin is an author and mediation instructor. Her encouragement is to “live your heart” because in learning how to listen to your heart and letting is be expressed you are opening yourself to living the life your heart truly wants for you. A Widow’s Heart podcast is hosted by Widow Might Emeritus Board Member Pam Lundell. Subscribe wherever you get podcasts, so you don’t miss an episode. (listen here)…
May 2023:
“How do I cope with the raw pain of my grief? 18 things that have helped me survive.”:  In the blog post this month Dorothy Swanson shares the comforts and strategies that have helped her survive in the past 18 months since her husband’s passing. Pick a few items from this list and try them for yourself to help you survive this unwanted journey.  (read more)…
A Widow’s Heart Podcast “Episodes 18”: Who is the next you? Maya Tyler is a life coach who helps people who are experiencing grief. Listen to her advice and experiences here. A Widow’s Heart podcast is hosted by Widow Might Emeritus Board Member Pam Lundell. Subscribe wherever you get podcasts, so you don’t miss an episode. (listen here)…
April 2023:
“A Young Widow’s Easter Revelation”:  Have you wrestled with the question “Why didn’t God protect me from pain”? Do you find the phrases, “Jesus is with you” or “He’ll never leave you.” ringing hallow in your loneliness? In this month’s blog post Erica Roman shared her struggles with being angry with God and how her revelation about the crucifixion changed her heart.  (read more)…
A Widow’s Heart Podcast “Episodes 17”In this episodes Pam interviews Jacqueline Skog. Jaquie is one of our local Minnesota widows who has experienced much grief throughout her life. At a young ages she lost 2 of her siblings to suicide and then lost her husband suddenly in 2015 and then her son just a few years ago. Jacquie is a Christian counselor who has a deep love and compassion for those who are hurting and helping them though trauma, abuse and grief. A Widow’s Heart podcast is hosted by Widow Might Emeritus Board Member Pam Lundell. Subscribe wherever you get podcasts, so you don’t miss an episode. (listen here)…
February and March 2023:
“Past Love Brings Strength”:  In this month’s blog post Naomi Anderson encourages us reflect on our marriages. “The strength or lack of strength during our marriages, certainly will help us focus on the future. If your marriage was strong, you have a lot of wisdom to go on. If it was not so strong, one can focus on how to improve where you are at. It is amazing how God’s strength helps us through life.” (read more)…
A Widow’s Heart Podcast “Episodes 15 & 16”In these episodes Pam interviews Char Fontan Westfall and Pat Miles Zimmerman. Char is the author of “A Navy SEAL Widow’s Story” and Pat is former local television personality and the author of  “BEFORE All is Said and Done”. Both of these guest share their personal stories and wisdom. A Widow’s Heart podcast is hosted by Widow Might Emeritus Board Member Pam Lundell. Subscribe wherever you get podcasts, so you don’t miss an episode. (listen here)…
January 2023:
“Finding God in Grief: How to Draw Closer to God While Walking Through Loss”: This month’s blog post comes from the Mary Rooney Armand a writer and speaker focusing on inspiring faith-based stories. She shares: “Finding God in grief allows you to freely grieve while holding onto hope and a promise that is bigger than any loss you are experiencing.” and “Finding God in grief does not eliminate the process you have to go through in order to heal, but faith helps you cling to something bigger and stronger than your crushed spirit.” (read more)…
December 2022:
“Looking for Joy”: This month’s blog post comes from the Hope for Widows Foundation website. Teri Miner states, “when we are missing someone important to us grief can try to steal our joy”. But yet she shares that there are ways to look for and find joy in this holiday season as well as all year round. (read more)…
A Widow’s Heart Podcast Episode 14″In this episode Pam interviews our very own Widow Connect Leader for the Young Widows group Erin Hente. Erin shares her story that is filled with grief and loss and how she has used that to get to where she is today. You’ll be inspired by how she embraces life and helps other widows as a life coach. A Widow’s Heart podcast is hosted by Widow Might Emeritus Board Member Pam Lundell. Subscribe wherever you get podcasts, so you don’t miss an episode. (listen here)…
November 2022:
“Precious Memories”: In this month’s blog post Naomi Anderson encourages us to take solace in knowing that our husbands will forever live on in our hearts. And it’s ok to cry – “sometimes memories sneak out of my eyes and fall down my checks”. (read more)…
A Widow’s Heart Podcast Episode 13″In this episode Pam interviews Donna Rudd. In this episode she tells the story of losing her husband at age 35 to a drunk driver. Donna is the author of the book “Forever Hope:  Living in Hope in the Midst of Life’s Struggles”. A Widow’s Heart podcast is hosted by Widow Might Emeritus Board Member Pam Lundell. Subscribe wherever you get podcasts, so you don’t miss an episode. (listen here)…
October 2022:
“Changing Friendships”: In this month’s blog post Naomi Anderson shares how friendships often change when you become a widow, but God is a friend who never leaves us. (read more)…
A Widow’s Heart Podcast Episode 12″In this episode Pam interviews Pastor Londa Lundstrom. In this episode she talks about her book “Living with a Yes in your Heart” and shares the value of the ministry of presence to those who are grieving. A Widow’s Heart podcast is hosted by Widow Might Emeritus Board Member Pam Lundell. Subscribe wherever you get podcasts, so you don’t miss an episode. (listen here)…
September 2022:
“September is your 2nd January”:  This month we have a bonus blog post from Connie Portlas. As you enjoy the start of fall with its cooler weather, lean into a renewed sense of motivation as Connie has this year. (read more)…
“What directs your choices in your journey in life?”:  “It is so easy to let things like fear, difficulty and trouble in our lives direct us on how we handle what we are going through.” In this month’s blog post Naomi Anderson shares ways not to let fear fuel your choices. (read more)….
A Widow’s Heart Podcast Episode 11″In this episode Pam interviews Dr Kimberly Harms, who has lost not only her husband but also her young adult son by suicide She offers great insight to those grieving a suicide death. A Widow’s Heart podcast is hosted by Widow Might Emeritus Board Member Pam Lundell. Subscribe wherever you get podcasts, so you don’t miss an episode. (listen here)…
August 2022:
“God Welcomes Your Hard Emotions”:  “Do my emotions matter to God?.” In this month’s blog post Lisa Appelo shares wisdom like “If we don’t deal with hard emotions on our terms now, they will come back on their terms later” and “Our emotions are not just safe with God. They are safest with God.” Be encouraged by Lisa to take all your emotions straight to God. (read more)…
A Widow’s Heart Podcast Episode 10″In this episode Pam interviews Wendie Pett, who talks about self-care while grieving and focusing on what is good. A Widow’s Heart podcast is hosted by Widow Might Emeritus Board Member Pam Lundell. Subscribe wherever you get podcasts, so you don’t miss an episode. (listen here)…
July 2022:
“What’s My Next Step?”:  There comes a time when we need to take that next step. In this month’s blog post Naomi Anderson encourages you to take a next step and offers some suggestions about what that step might be. You will begin to do things you never thought you would be able to – one step at a time. (read more)…
A Widow’s Heart Podcast Episode 9″In this episode Pam interviews Amy Perrill. Amy, a young mom, shares her story of loss, grief, and God’s plan. A Widow’s Heart podcast is hosted by Widow Might Emeritus Board Member Pam Lundell. Subscribe wherever you get podcasts, so you don’t miss an episode. (listen here)…
June 2022:
“10 Prayers in Grief and Loss”:  “Prayers in grief and loss are a lifeline when you’re navigating waves of pain. Prayer shifts our focus from our circumstance to God, our comfort and hope in the circumstance. Prayer unburdens a heavy and overwhelmed heart. And prayer in the loss of a loved one keeps us tethered to God, anchoring our faith and turbulent emotions. Sometimes, when we have no words for prayer, we can pray scripture or borrow prayers.” May you find comfort in these prayers. (read more)…
A Widow’s Heart Podcast Episodes 7 & 8″In Episode 7 Dr Melissa Mork, psychology professor, speaker, grief coach, author of “Navigating Grief with Humor”, and podcaster of “Mental Health with Dr Melissa Mork” shares the tasks of grief and how she applied them after the death of her husband and in Episode 8 Lisa Appelo author of “Life Can be Good Again: Putting Your World Back Together After It All Falls Apart” shares her story of suddenly losing her husband and becoming a single parent to 7 children ranging from ages 4 to age 20. A Widow’s Heart podcast is hosted by Widow Might Emeritus Board Member Pam Lundell. Subscribe wherever you get podcasts, so you don’t miss an episode. (listen here)…
May 2022:
Blog post “Wife, Widow, Now What?”: When Rachel was 28 years old, her husband was diagnosed with leukemia and he died two days after she turned 31. She had to reboot her life and learn how to start over as a widow, without a map or guidebook to lead her. Rachel’s humor, moxie and faith helped get her through the cancer world, and survive the calamity of errors that kept-on coming after he died. Her hope is to provide you with some laughter, comfort, solace and guidance on your own journey, whether it be through the world of cancer, or any other life challenges. Here is a short excerpt from Rachel Engstrom‘s book that we hope will inspire you to move forward (read more)…
A Widow’s Heart Podcast Episodes 5 & 6″In Episode 5 Rachel Engstrom, author of “Wife, Widow, Now What?” shares her story after losing her husband to leukemia and in Episode 6 Lori Laron Heller shares her story after losing her husband to ALS and all that she has done to advocate for ALS research. A Widow’s Heart podcast is hosted by Widow Might Emeritus Board Member Pam Lundell. Subscribe wherever you get podcasts, so you don’t miss an episode. (listen here)…
April 2022:  “Bored – Sad – Happy”
“Sadness is such a big part of grief.  We often wonder if we will ever be happy again.” “How do we get to the point that we can smile and have laughter as part of our daily life again?” If this is a question you are asking yourself, this month’s blog post by Naomi Anderson will encourage you to find ways to start to bringing joy back into your life (read more)…
March 2022: A Widow’s Heart Podcast Episodes 2 & 3″
In Episode 2 Betsy Sathers shares her story of the grief and joy with Pam after losing her husband in a bridge disaster and in Episode 3 Gayle Roper, author of “A Widow’s Journey, shares her reflections on walking alone. A Widow’s Heart podcast is hosted by Widow Might Emeritus Board Member Pam Lundell. Subscribe wherever you get podcasts, so you don’t miss an episode. (listen here)…
February 2022:  All Things New – Really?”
In this month’s blog post Naomi Anderson shares, “During the grieving process, it is really difficult to think of all things new for several reasons.  Each of us is different in how we handle things.  We are also at different stages of our grief.  Each year we think things will get better, but it certainly hasn’t gone that way so far.  Unfortunately, that process is not up to us, and we truly need to rely on God for each stage of life.” (read more)…
January 2022:  Grief Is Like a Pair of Muddy Boots”
The blog this month comes from The Hospice Heart and in it grief is compared to a pair of muddy boots. “Grief is like a pair of muddy boots. The muddier they become, the harder it is to walk. That is what grief feels like. Grief is messy. Grief can be sticky and uncomfortable, and it can weigh so much that you feel like you are falling over a little bit each day from the weight of it all.” (read more)…


A Widow’s Heart Podcast:  Episode 1″
Widow Might Emeritus Board Member Pam Lundell has launched a new podcast called A Widow’s Heart. Pam says: “When I lost my husband, several people at his homegoing service said, ‘Pam, God is going to use this for His Glory. Just wait and see.’ I wanted to tell them to go away, but, when I got out of my own way, God took over (and) the miracles haven’t ceased. Watch for God at work in your life every day!”. In this premier episode Pam tells her story and interviews Widow Might co-founder David Thielman.  Subscribe to A Widow’s Heart wherever you get podcasts, so you don’t miss an episode. (listen here)…


December 2021:  What to expect during the holidays”
It’s that time of year already!  The time during good times, we look so forward to! But that may not be the case for you this year, as you face the holidays without your husband. In this month’s blog post Naomi Anderson gives us tips to help navigate the holiday season. (read more)….


November 2021:  Step by Step!”
In this blog post Jana Sipe Berndt recalls the early days after her husband Randy’s death on Nov 1, 2014. She shares how she learned to deal with the change, loss and grief then and still today step by step. (read more)….


October 2021:  Disappointment”
This month Kathy Scheffler, Widow Might Executive Director, shares with us about a feeling many widows experience well into their widowhood. Disappointment has a way of coming back into our lives time and time again, sometimes expected and sometimes catching us by surprise. Kathy shares a recent disappointment she felt and how she dealt with it in hopes that this will encourage you in dealing with your own disappointments in a positive way.  (read more)….


September 2021:  The Many Rooms of Grief”
Have you ever thought of the memories of your marriage as a house with many rooms? In this month’s blog post the writer states “As my grief progresses, I’ll visit one of those rooms and I’ll remember our time together, and I’ll feel the pain of loss for that thing we shared, then I’ll ‘clean out the room,’ process the memory and deal with the grief. And when I’m done, I’ll leave that room, and I’ll close that door, and I’ll be done with that memory and the grief it evokes. Maybe I’ll revisit it now and then, but it will be mostly ‘sorted and cleaned’ and it won’t hurt nearly as much as the first experience.” (read more)….


August 2021:  Making Choices or Decisions”
“Making decisions isn’t always easy to do!   Especially now that we are making decisions or choices on our own.” This month Naomi Anderson shares with us she relies on God as well as others trusted people in her life to navigate through the choices and give her wise counsel. (read more)….


July 2021:  Be Still”
The summer of 2021 may feel a bit out of control as we do many fun activities that we couldn’t do in 2020. This likely has you longing for some stillness. In this blog post Miki Speer shares that happiness is not the same as peace and that true peace comes in being still and trusting God. (read more)….


June 2021:  When You Honor Memorial Day as a Marine Widow
As we reflect on the recent Memorial Day holiday, we share the story of Kelli Campbell a Marine widow. As a young widow with 4 children she tells us about her husband and his death and how “fearing the worst wouldn’t have prepared me for it or prevented it, but fear would have kept us from enjoying to the fullest the fifteen years God had planned”. Your story may be similar or very different than Kelli’s but her faith will inspire you. (read more)….


May 2021:  Grace and Mercy
What do grace and mercy have to do with widowhood? In this blog post Naomi Anderson defines these words and shows how they are important for healing and moving forward. (read more)….


Organ Donation Month 2021:  Donate Life!
Were you able to donate your husband’s organs? Have you “checked the box” to be an organ donor yourself? In this blog post Jana Sipe Berndt shares how her husband Randy’s generous gift impacted not only the lives of the recipients of his organs but also impacted her. (read more)….


April 2021:  Grieving at Easter Time
For those who have recently lost their husband, or who lost him around Easter time, this can be a holiday that brings up old baggage. Performing old family rituals reminds us of those who are supposed to be there, year after year – and when they can’t be, it hurts. This blog includes five tips for mourners this spring. (read more)….


March 2021:  Anticipation or Expectations
There are many things we tend to anticipate, but how do we do this in a positive manner when we have lost someone close to us? In this blog from Naomi Anderson she quotes Anna Grace Taylor which encourages us to “Never forget how far you’ve come. Never forget how much strength you have learned and developed along the way.” (read more)….


Valentine’s Day 2021:  Roses are Red, Heart are Blue
This special Valentine’s blog comes from Minnesota widow and author of “Finding Norm” Jana Sipe Berndt. In this blog Jana shares her personal memories and struggles around Valentine’s day as well as how she has learned to survive this holiday.  (read more)….


February 2021:  How Much is in our Checking Account?
Connie Portlas, widow and financial coach, shares the financial stress she felt after her husband’s death “How am I going to pay for his funeral!? What about health insurance? How will I pay for college? How much is in our checking account?” and how “After everyone went home after the funeral I started to take control of my situation 1 step at a time.”  (read more)….


January 2021:  Rediscovering Joy Through a Season of Quarantine
Jana Sipe Berndt, widow and author of “Finding Norm”, shares in her recent blog post: “Loss is hard. No matter how it comes to you, it’s a punch in the gut. It’s shocking. It’s often harsh. In these unprecedented times, we are all experiencing loss to some degree or another.” (read more)….


December 2020:  Thankfulness
What are you thankful for?  During tough times can we be thankful?  With the loss of our spouse, how are we to be thankful? The Thanksgiving holiday has passed but there is much to be grateful for all year long and Naomi Anderson helps us to reflect on those things. (read more)….


November 2020:  Honor Your Limitations
Kim Denyes, a Spiritual Director with Minnesota ties, invites us to search ourselves for our limitations, name them, and then honor them as God does. (read more)….


October 2020:  Puddles
Renee Salzbrenner, a member of the North East Metro (White Bear Lake) widow connect group, shares about the puddles of grief. “Some of the puddles of grief I’ve been in are the ‘walk into puddles’, others that come are the ‘back into puddles’, or sometimes you find that it’s a ‘sit in the puddle’”. (read more)…. (puddles in my heart picture)….


September 2020:  Be Proactive Over Loneliness
Loneliness and isolation are a reality for all Americans today. The new normal of social distancing, working from home, limited public gatherings, and the general anxiety over the spreading virus has led to isolation and loneliness like never before. Jayne Poli gives us five practical ways to be proactive over loneliness. (read more)….


August 2020:  Becoming Independent
Naomi Anderson states by nature, some of us are independent and some are not.  We are either followers or leaders.  It seems it is just who we are – neither is good or bad. Some of it is a learned behavior based on our upbringing.  Some is based on events that have happened in our lives.   We all seem to go through highs and lows in our lives.  Many times we become who we are by the way we react to these events.   (read more)….


July 2020:  New Normal
Patty, a member of the North Metro #1 (Big Lake) widow connect group, shares about her experience with finding a new normal after the loss of both her son and her husband  (read more)….


June 2020:  God in the Silence
Patsy Pearson shares the many qualities of silence and how God can use the silence in our lives to speak truths to us (read more)….


May 2020:  Self-Reflection
Naomi Anderson reflects on her time as a new widow and compares it to her new normal during in this time of coronavirus (read more)….


April 2020:  It’s Hard Being You
Carrie Curran reminds us that “When we are forced into social distancing it is so important to find ways to connect with the people that are in your life.” because “Doing life is hard, doing it alone is even harder.” (read more)….


March 2020:  Are You Being Blessed Today
Naomi Anderson writes: “Regardless if we have been widowed or are just going through a tough time in our life, God promises to walk with us in the midst of what we are going through.  Psalms 138:7 reads:  Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life. You stretch out your hand against the anger of my foes; with your right hand you save me. (NIV)” (read more)….


February 2020:  New!
Patsy Pearson reminds us of the wonder of ‘new’ things in our lives, and how God’s presence and compassion is continuously new (read more)….


January 2020:  Anticipating the New Year
Naomi Anderson, Advisory Council Member, and Widow Connect Group Coordinator for Widow Might. Naomi’s New Year insights from several years ago are timeless.  “With each New Year we often have anticipations of what we are hoping for.  When we think about the prior year, we may be thinking we made it.  But we are hoping this next year will be better.” (read more)….


December 2019:  Holiday Ready or Not…
Naomi Anderson, Advisory Council Member, and Widow Connect Group Coordinator for Widow Might shares her personal blog and unique perspective of the holiday season.  “With Thanksgiving behind us for this year and the Christmas holiday just around the corner, this can be the time of year that may be very difficult for many people.” (read more)….


November 2019:  Things NOT to Say to a New Widow
Kristin Meekhof, author of “A Widow’s Guide to Healing:  Gentle Support and Advice for the First 5 years,” shares her emotional journey through her husband’s final weeks after his diagnosis and shares that “My life changed because of his death and because of my husband’s beautiful acceptance of his death.


October 2019:  The Moment I Knew
Kristin Meekhof, author of “A Widow’s Guide to Healing:  Gentle Support and Advice for the First 5 years,” shares her emotional journey through her husband’s final weeks after his diagnosis and shares that “My life changed because of his death and because of my husband’s beautiful acceptance of his death.